Food Categories » Beverages » Fruit Juices and Nectars

Nutritional Information, Diet Info and Calories in Fruit Juices and Nectars

Name Brand Description Access Level
Grape Juice Old Orchard 100% juice, frozen conc, reconstituted  
Grape Juice Beverage Welch's  
Grape Juice Beverage, Light Dole single serve  
Grape Juice Box Apple&Eve  
Grape Juice Canister Welch's  
Grape Juice Cocktail Seneca  
Grape Juice Cocktail Old Orchard 'Healthy Balance' sweetened w/Splenda  
Grape Juice Cocktail Welch's bottle  
Grape Juice Cocktail Minute Maid 21% juice, frozen conc, reconstituted  
Grape Juice Cocktail, Can Welch's can  
Grape Juice Cocktail, Light Welch's frozen conc  
Grape Juice Drink can  
Grape Juice Drink  
Grape Juice Medley Mott's 100% Fruit Juice  
Grape Juice Packet Welch's  
Grape Juice Plus Langers 100% juice  
Grape Juice with Calcium Welch's  
Grape Juice with Fiber Welch's  
Grape Juice, Juice Box R.W. Knudsen 100% juice  
Grape Juice, Light Welch's w/Splenda  
Grape Juice, Sweetened frozen conc w/3 volume water w/added Vit-C  
Grape Juice, Unsweetened w/o added Vit-C  
Grape Juice, Usda Welch's  
Grape Passion Blended Juice Welch's frozen conc  
Grape Slush - Large Sonic  
Grape Slush - Medium Sonic  
Grape Slush - RT 44 Sonic  
Grape Slush - Small Sonic  
Grape Slush - Wacky Pack Sonic  
Grape Tide Juice Capri Sun Fruit Waves 100% juice  
Grape-apple Juice Cocktail Welch's bottle  
Grape-apple, Aseptic Welch's  
Grapeade Juice Nantucket Nectars  
Grapefruit Juice Safeway  
Grapefruit Juice  
Grapefruit Juice R.W. Knudsen 100% juice; Organic  
Grapefruit Juice Vons  
Grapefruit Juice  
Grapefruit Juice Welch's can  
Grapefruit Juice Minute Maid 100% juice, frozen conc, reconstituted  
Grapefruit Juice W/calcium Veryfine 100% juice  
Grapefruit Juice, Pink, Raw juice from 1 fruit, yields  
Grapefruit Juice, Sweetened can  
Grapefruit Juice, Unsweetened frozen conc, unsweetened w/3 volume water  
Grapefruit Juice, White, Raw juice from 1 fruit, yields